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Online and Mobile Banking Precautions

Online and mobile banking provide great convenience, however, it is important to stay vigilant with any electronic actions, banking or otherwise. Here are some general security tips.

Back up your mobile device

Best practices recommend that you back up your mobile devices regularly to prevent data loss if your mobile device is broken, lost or stolen or infected with malware.

Password protect your mobile device

Set up your mobile device to require a password before allowing access to the device. This is the first layer of protection if your mobile device is lost or stolen.

Use complex passwords.

Passwords should:

  • Be at least 8 characters in length.
  • Contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, (i.e., punctuation marks and symbols).
  • Not be a commonly used word in any known language, jargon, slang, etc.
  • Not be based on personal information that could be known to others.

Do not write down passwords

Do not store passwords on electronic devices (i.e., computer or phone) or write them down on paper.

Keep your mobile devices operating system up to date

When your mobile device manufacturer releases operating system updates, be sure to update your mobile device. These updates usually contain bug fixes and security enhancements for your specific device.

Maintain current antivirus and other security suite software

Be sure to download all security related patches and updates to your operating system, network and antivirus applications as these updates often contain fixes to known security deficiencies.

Never leave your computer or mobile device unattended

Do not leave your computer or mobile device unattended while logged into online or mobile banking. Always properly log out and exit online or mobile banking when you have completed your session.

Ensure your internet connection is encrypted

Do not use the local coffee shop internet connection or other public internet when accessing your banking information. These "public" internet connections could allow others access to your information. Only use sites that begin with "https://" when shopping or banking. Using your mobile network connection is generally more secure than using public wireless networks.

Be cautious with unsolicited emails, unverified websites and pop-up messages

Do not open unsolicited emails or click any links or attachments contained within an email message until you verify its authenticity with the sender. Do not click any links from unverified websites or downloads from unverified pop-up messages.

Beware of suspicious "spoofing" websites

Criminals create fake websites that look like real company websites in order to steal your personal information. Be cautious of links sent to you in emails. Phishing emails and smishing texts include links to these fake sites.

Verify online requests for money by friends or contacts

Be extremely wary when people you're connected to on social networks ask for money through instant message (IM) or email. Fraudsters have been known to hack social networks and assume the identity of real users, then send messages to their contacts stating the person has been robbed or is stranded somewhere and needs you to wire money in order to get home. If you receive one of these requests, contact the person by phone and verify the request is real.

Do not store your User ID on your mobile application

Mobile Banking applications can allow a user to save their User ID on their downloaded mobile application. Best practices state that storing your User ID on the phone can make it easier for fraudsters to access your account information if your mobile device is lost or stolen. Be mindful of any private information you store on your mobile device as these devices are easily lost or stolen, making the private information accessible to unauthorized individuals.

Download mobile applications only from authorized application stores

First Source Federal Credit Union mobile applications can be found at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Do not download applications except from these authorized locations.

Change your password frequently

Best practices recommend changing your online or mobile banking password at least every 90 days and immediately if you believe your password has been compromised.

Do not share your Online/Mobile Banking login credentials

Do not share your User ID, Password, PIN or account number with anyone, under any circumstances. It is not First Source Federal Credit Union's policy to initiate a request for sensitive information via email, text, phone call or other means, (i.e., Social Security Number, User ID, Password, PIN or account number). If you think your login information has been compromised, please contact First Source FCU immediately at 315.735.8571.

Check your accounts frequently

Log in to online or mobile banking daily to review your account information and transactions. Report any unauthorized activity to the credit union immediately. Setup email and/or text account alerts to notify you of specific account activity.

Check your email and/or text messages frequently

Check your email and/or text messages frequently for any online banking notifications, messages and alerts. Report any unauthorized change notifications or suspicious activity to the credit union immediately.

Keep your contact information current

Keep your personal contact information current and on file with First Source, and within your personal settings in online banking.

Educate Yourself

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) partners with other government agencies to provide a wide range of tips that include protecting your computer, teaching children how to stay safe online and using public Wi-Fi networks safely at this link, OnGuard Online.