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Donation Requests

Supporting Your Cause

First Source is proud to be an active participant in our community. It’s part of who we are. Our mission is: To improve the quality of life of our Employees, Members and communities we serve. When we get involved with a community organization, it is very rarely a purely monetary donation. You will often find our employees engaging in additional fundraising and awareness efforts, as well as volunteering their time. At our core, we are an educational financial institution, originally founded as Utica Teachers Federal Credit Union. As such, we strive to be involved with community organizations and needs that have an educational component or impact.

If you have a community need that could fit within our considerations, let us know via the online request portal link below. Please note, we do not give to personal fundraisers, nor organizations or causes with political or religious affiliations. 

Your completed request does not constitute an immediate approval. Our Community Donation Committee will review your request, ensuring alignment with our values and allocated budget. Please allow 30 days for review, and 60 days for fulfillment.

When you request a donation, you will need to create your organization’s profile with a login and password. Once you have set up your profile, you can enter additional requests, check the status of pending requests, and update your organization’s profile as needed. This way, you can always ensure that all of your contact information is correct. Need assistance? Use our helpful guide to get you started.

Application Instructions

Requests will only be considered through this online process. We do not accept fax, snail mail, phone or email requests. Please add to your safe sender list to ensure you receive request system notifications. If you have an issue with the online portal, please contact our Community Department at

Request a Donation

Our corporate logo may only be used with permission from First Source Federal Credit Union. If you have received approval and need access to our logo, you may download it here. 

First Source logo color   First Source logo monochrome