Managing your finances
Maintaining a balanced budget is more important now than ever before. It doesn’t matter if you live paycheck to paycheck or earn six-figures, recent events have made it clear that no one’s financial situation is guaranteed. Fortunately, there is a silver lining. With a solid financial plan, it’s possible to navigate through difficult times and take back some control.
Establishing a budget is the foundation of every sound financial plan and is an important step in properly managing your finances. A budget helps you see what you’re spending, saving, and investing, and can be adjusted to fit your income, lifestyle, and goals.
Start by writing down your goals, both short- and long-term, including everything from items you want to purchase, to buying or improving your home, college, etc. Once you have your goals, record your income and expenditures. Monthly is a good place to start. Once you have your data, we can help.
Personal Financial Management (PFM)
The First Source Online Banking Suite includes easy-to-use tools for budgeting. The Personal Financial Management Tools section allows you to add categories, sort transactions, enter income and expenses, and set up multiple budgets and savings goals. It’s a great way to see your budget big picture and manage it as you go. We even provide step by step instructions to get you started!
PFM Tools: Learn More
If you are a Member, and not currently taking advantage of our online and mobile banking services, we encourage you to sign up today.
Banzai Financial Education Tools
Enjoy a wealth of free online educational articles, tips, and interactive calculators through our Banzai! Program. There are also learning labs for children and adults that utilize models of real life financial scenarios in an interactive “choose your own adventure” format.
Banzai! Financial Education Programs: Learn More
The Budget Calculator above requires one of the following web browsers:
Google Chrome (>= 42), Firefox (>= 39), Microsoft Edge (>= 14), Safari (>= 10.1)
BALANCE Financial Fitness Budget Planner
In an effort to make your budget more understandable, and easier to stick with, we offer the BALANCE Financial Fitness Program. This program provides free access to educational webinars, tools, guides, and accredited counselors to make creating and balancing your budget manageable. Be sure to take advantage of the Budget Planner, a free guide which you can download directly from BALANCE.
BALANCE Financial Fitness Program: Learn More
If your financial situation has recently changed or if you’re simply looking for guidance, we encourage you to take advantage of these valuable tools. If you have any questions, or need help managing your spending plan, we’re happy to help. Call 315-735-8571 to talk about your options or make an appointment with one of our friendly Member service representatives today.
Live Smarter with budgeting tools from First Source.