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Personal Loan

For When You Need Extra Funds

Personal loans can be a great financial solution to help cover the costs of a variety of needs. If you need money right away, First Source may be able to provide you with the funding you require. Consider a Personal Loan to help finance whatever life brings your way.

Happy couple shopping furniture at a store and measuring a table

While it’s always a great idea to save ahead of time for big events and big purchases, a personal loan can help cover the costs in case your savings cannot.

Common Expenses Include:

  • Laptop

  • New furniture

  • Engagement ring

  • Printer

  • Starting a family

  • And so much more

Personal Loan vs. Credit Card

Using a credit card for large payments could earn you unwanted debt. Consider applying for a personal loan instead. We offer lower-rate loans with easy-to-manage monthly payments to help you cover what you need.

Live Smarter

Let us help you finance this unique moment in time so you can focus on yourself and your family. Get started with the application process today.


If you’re not ready to apply for a Personal Loan, and have questions, we are here to help. Call 315-735-8571 to talk about your options or make an appointment with one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives today.

Interested In Learning More?

To see the most common uses for a personal loan, visit our Personal Use Loan Options overview page.

Let’s Get Started

We look forward to helping you.

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Want a rough idea?

Check today’s personal loan rates effective January 12, 2025

Term APR
12 Month as low as 9.74%
24 Month as low as 9.74%
36 Month as low as 10.24%
48 Month as low as 10.24%
60 Month as low as 10.24%

Apply for a Personal Loan Now

Loan rates and terms are determined by overall credit history and are subject to change without notice. Applications are subject to credit approval.

Monthly payments for a 5 year personal loan at 10.24% would be $21.36 per $1,000 borrowed.

Membership and credit requirements apply. Rates and terms determined by overall credit history and subject to change.