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Teen Car Loan

The Road to Responsibility

Being a Teenager often brings more independence and responsibility, along with a major milestone of getting a driver’s license. Some teen’s may need to get their own vehicle which offers a great opportunity for them to learn about loans and credit. Borrowing a lump sum up front to pay for something larger and slowly paying it off with interest, is not only a concept they need to understand, but also seeing the value and feeling the pride of ownership once it’s done.

Our low-rate auto loan is made specifically with teens in mind and terms that work for them. They must be 16 years old and have an adult co-borrower. As they make on-time payments for the car loan, they are also building good credit. It’s a win/win.

Teenager driving with father.

Live Smarter

Get started with a teen car loan today. Start the application process below.


If you’re not ready to apply for a teen car loan, and have questions, we are here to help. Call 315-735-8571 to talk about your options or make an appointment with one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives today.

Interested In Learning More?

To see what other tools and services we have available for our young Members, visit our Youth Accounts overview page.

Let’s Get Started

We look forward to helping you.

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Want a rough idea?

Check today’s auto loan rates effective February 11, 2025

Including Classics

Term APR
12 Month as low as 5.74%
24 Month as low as 5.74%
36 Month as low as 5.74%
48 Month as low as 5.74%
60 Month as low as 5.99%
72 Month as low as 6.49%
84 Month as low as 6.99%
96 Month as low as 8.49%
108 Month as low as 9.49%

2019 & Older
Excluding Classics

Term APR
12 Month as low as 7.99%
24 Month as low as 7.99%
36 Month as low as 7.99%
48 Month as low as 7.99%
60 Month as low as 8.24%
72 Month as low as 8.74%


Term APR
12 Month as low as 6.49%
24 Month as low as 6.49%
36 Month as low as 6.49%
48 Month as low as 6.49%
60 Month as low as 6.74%
72 Month as low as 7.24%
84 Month as low as 7.74%

Apply for an Auto Loan Now

Loan rates and terms are determined by overall credit history and are subject to change without notice. Applications are subject to credit approval.

Monthly payments for a 5 year new vehicle loan at 5.99% would be $19.33 per $1,000 borrowed.
Monthly payments for a 5 year used vehicle loan at 6.74% would be $19.68 per $1,000 borrowed.
Monthly payments for a 5 year older vehicle loan at 8.24% would be $20.39 per $1,000 borrowed.

Membership and credit requirements apply. Rates and terms determined by overall credit history and subject to change.