Make an Appointment

Board of Directors

Our credit union is governed by a member-elected board of directors.

They are a group of dedicated volunteers with the responsibility of setting policy and providing strategic direction for the Credit Union.

Current board members are as follows:

Ray Philo

Lenora D'Apice
Vice Chair

James Peterson

Dean Kelly

Gary Heenan

Robert Jubenville

Daniel Kalil

Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee is the Members' official auditing team and representative in the review of overall financial operations. Review includes the oversight of Management and Staff to ensure that all regulations, procedures, and policies governing the Credit Union are followed.

Byron Elias

Jeremy Earl

Heather Mowat

Board of Directors Information

For more information, please contact Liz at (315) 735-8571 ext.1101

Supervisory Committee Information

Inquiries for the Supervisory Committee may be addressed to:

Supervisory Committee
First Source Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 434
Washington Mills, NY 13479