First Source is proud to have assisted Camp Sitrin with the construction of their 4th Veteran’s Cabin as part of their ongoing Sitrin Military Program. The cabin is located on a 142-acre campsite on Graffenburg Road and is used as one of the many therapy and treatment options offered through Sitrin for local veterans.
The campsite includes trails, fields, a 10-acre lake, pavilions, handicapped-accessible bathrooms and shower; a perfect place for their Ecotherapy (nature-based healing) program. The program has shown many successes particularly for those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is commonly diagnosed in veterans.
The Sitrin Military Program services are offered to veterans free of charge.
“When we learned about the need for these cabins, we felt very passionate about being involved,” said Pamela Way, Community Engagement Supervisor. “Our vets have put their life on the line to protect our freedoms and we want them to know we appreciate what they have done and been through, especially to those who come back suffering with mental health needs or other traumas, on our behalf. We hope they find comfort and peace while at Camp Sitrin.”