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Changing Your Perspective About Money

August 4, 2023

 A Journey To Clarity And Financial Empowerment

Have you ever been guilty of the following actions:

  • Spending all your money or more.

  • Taking a job that you didn’t really want because of money.

  • Stopped living your life and experiencing the things that bring you joy because of money.

Happy African American mother using laptop and working on paperwork while her daughter is embracing her at home.

If so, you’re not alone, and understanding your particular story can be the beginning of financial healing. Studies indicate that Americans, in general, lack clarity, confidence, and direction around their finances. Here is a TEDx Talks video that addresses these issues and shows how a different perspective could lead to a profoundly different financial outcome.

Live Smarter

Only 1 in 3 Americans have a plan for their money. If you’d like to explore and map out your financial situation, you can speak to one of our friendly Financial Service Representatives today by calling 315-735-8571 or by scheduling an appointment. If you’d like to consider stock market investing and consulting options, you can meet with our friends at Choice Investments. We work with them to offer you a comfortable and solid investing experience through a caring culture just like our own.

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