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Staying Safe On Social Media Platforms

October 27, 2023

Learn Why Protecting Sensitive Information On Social Media Is Crucial

When we think about cyber security, we tend to think about how to protect our systems and sensitive information from online attacks. Even when we are diligent, one area that is often overlooked and underestimated is social media and how it fits into the bigger picture of cyber security.

Young woman using social media application.

We use social media to stay in touch with family and friends and to share videos and photos of our homes and places we visit. We create events, sell and buy items, and join groups we share interests. We follow the news, shop, and play games, all through social media platforms. While convenient and fun, social media is a double-edged sword because it also poses cyber security risks. It’s critical that we are cognizant of the information we share on social media. Once we post something, we can never be fully sure it’s gone, even if we try to take it back. If the post or entire account was later deleted, there’s no way for us to know if someone else has already copied and shared our information or if it is still on a server somewhere. 

Here are some recommendations to help you stay safe on social media:

  1. Manage your privacy settings: Learn how to use the privacy and security settings on your social networking sites. They help you control who sees what you post and manage your online experience in a positive way. 

  2. Remember, once posted, always posted: Protect your reputation on social media platforms. What you post online stays online. Think twice before posting pictures you wouldn't want your parents or future employers to see. 

  3. Keep personal info personal: Be careful how much personal info you provide on social networking sites. The more information you post, the easier it may be for someone to use that information to steal your identity and access your data. 

  4. Protect your computer: Security starts with protecting your computer, so be sure to install antivirus software. Keep your operating system, web browser, and other software current with the most updated software. 

  5. Use strong passwords: Make sure that your password is at least twelve characters long and consists of some combination of letters, numbers, and special characters (for example, +, @, #, or $).

  6. Be cautious on social networking sites: Even links that look like they come from friends can sometimes contain harmful software or be part of a cyber-attack. If you are at all suspicious, don't click it. Contact your friend to verify the validity of the link first.

Want to take your knowledge of cyber security to the next level? Check out this Internet Safety article on Banzai. Add these tips to your personal checklist to increase your security online. You can also visit our website for more guidance and tips for staying safe online.

Live Smarter

It’s important to take steps to safeguard your information. If you want to discuss any concerns, or the best way to ensure your financial information is protected, you can speak with one of our friendly Financial Service Representatives by calling 315-735-8571 or by scheduling an appointment online today.

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