Money experiences to teach your kids
Our friends at Balance Financial Fitness provide some helpful opportunities for teaching your kids financial lessons.
If you’ve been meaning to talk to your kids about money, April is the perfect time to start. In addition to Credit Union Youth Month, April 12th, 2019 marks National Teach Children to Save Day.
This special day was created by the American Bankers Association to promote financial literacy among children. In the spirit of the occasion, here are three real-world experiences that parents can use to introduce kids to personal finance.
Have Your Children Make Purchases
Buying something is maybe the most direct way to understand how money works. That makes it a great opportunity for your children. Try including them the next time you make a purchase.
Whether it’s at the supermarket or movie theater, give your kids cash to hand to the cashier, and then have them collect and count the change. (Note: This works best for cash purchases. Using a card may be a little too abstract.)
Lesson: Money is used in exchange for goods and services.
Open a Savings Account With Them
There’s no better way to explain saving money to a child than to open an account in their name for this specific purpose. It might be tempting to save time and do it online, but make it tangible by taking your child to your financial institution in person. Show them the physical building, point out the ATM, and have them meet the people behind the counter. Reinforce the roles that financial institutions play in managing your money. After the account is open, make a plan together for making regular contributions to it.
Lesson: While piggy banks are cute, savings accounts are the best option for stashing your cash.
Inspire Them to Start a Business
There’s a reason why lemonade stands have stood the test of time. These micro businesses represent many children’s first exposure to earning money. If lemonade’s not their thing, encourage them to offer pet sitting or yard work to your neighbors.
Lesson: Money is earned through work.
Save Smarter
Learn more about the benefits of savings accounts for kids on our Youth Accounts page. Call 315-735-8571 to discuss any questions you may have or make an appointment with one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives today. Simply click on the button below, select the “New Accounts” service from the menu and choose “Youth Account”.
Source: Balance Financial Fitness March 2019