Pictured left to right:
Front Row: Geno DeCondo, Upstate Caring Partners Executive Director; Jennifer Malpezzi, Upstate Caring Partners Director of Early Childhood Programs; Pamela Way, First Source Community Relations Supervisor
Back Row: Jeremy Earl, Upstate Caring Partners Senior VP of Education; Tom Neumann, First Source President/CEO
Supporting Our Community
We are proud to be able to support Upstate Caring Partners’ Early Intervention Program with a gift of $20,000.
“Being able to provide services and therapies to children before they reach school age is extremely beneficial in many cases,” said Jeremy Earl, Upstate Caring Partners Senior VP of Education. “We are grateful for First Source’s continued support of this program.”
Tom Neumann, President/CEO of First Source added, “The programs and services which Upstate Caring Partners provides are vital to so many in our area and those that travel from beyond. We are fortunate to have this resource and happy to help support where we can.”
Empowering People
Formerly Upstate Cerebral Palsy, Upstate Caring Partners provides innovative programs and services that support and create opportunities for people of all abilities.
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